::p_load(sf, sfdep, tmap, tidyverse, knitr) pacman
In-class Exercise 2
Getting Started
Installing and Loading R Packages
Loading R packages
The Data
For this In-class Exercise, the Hunan data sets will be used. They are:
- hunan: a geographical data set in ESRI shapefile format
- Hunan_2012: an attribute data set in csv format
Importing geospatial data
st_read() can be used to read the shape file data set into an R sf dataframe
<- st_read(dsn = 'data/geospatial',
hunan layer = 'Hunan')
Reading layer `Hunan' from data source
using driver `ESRI Shapefile'
Simple feature collection with 88 features and 7 fields
Geometry type: POLYGON
Dimension: XY
Bounding box: xmin: 108.7831 ymin: 24.6342 xmax: 114.2544 ymax: 30.12812
Geodetic CRS: WGS 84
Importing attribute table
read_csv() can be used to read the attribute file into an R data frame
<- read_csv('data/aspatial/Hunan_2012.csv') hunan_2012
Combining the two data sets
left_join() can be used to combine the two data sets
In order to retain the geospatial properties, the left data frame must be sf data.frame, in this case it is hunan
<- left_join(hunan, hunan_2012,
hunan_GDPPC by = 'County')%>%
select(1:4, 7, 15) #Retaining the city's name, ID, county name, county type, GDPPC, and geometry
Deriving Contiguity Weights: Queen’s Model
The sfdep method entails the creation of a tibble data frame which contains the original data as well as the neighbors list and weights for each polygon , as opposed to creating the contiguity and weight separately in spdep.
<- hunan_GDPPC %>%
wm_q mutate(nb = st_contiguity(geometry), # Default is Queen
wt = st_weights(nb,
.before = 1)
Computing Global Moran’s I (old spdep method)
<- global_moran(wm_q$GDPPC,
moranI $nb,
[1] 0.30075
[1] 7.640659
Computing Local Moran’s I (with sfdep method)
<- wm_q %>%
lisa mutate(local_moran = local_moran(GDPPC, nb, wt, nsim = 99),
.before = 1) %>%